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Abbey, Henry Abbott, Eleanor HallowellAdams, Andy Adams, Henry - U.S. historian, novelist, journalistAdams, John S.Adams, Samuel Hopkins - Prolific American writer, novelist, journalistAddison, Joseph Ade, George Aesop (author of Aesop's Fables), Alarcon, Pedro Antonio deAlcott, Louisa May - American authorAldrich, Thomas BaileyAlger, Horatio Alighieri, Dante Allen, Grant Altsheler, Joseph A.Andersen, Hans Christian - Danish fairy tale writer, novelist, poetAnderson, Robert GordonAnderson, Sherwood - American short-story writer, novelistAnonymous, - Unknown authorsAnonymous (Fictions' author), Anonymous (Poetry's author), Anstey, F. Appleton, Victor Aristotle, - Well-known Greek philosopherArmstrong, H. S.Arnold, Matthew Arthur, T. S. - (Timothy Shay Arthur), prolific and voluminous American writer, novelistAtherton, Gertrude Austen, Jane - Great British novelistAustin, Jane GoodwinAustin, Mary HunterBacheller, Irving Bacon, Josephine DaskamBacon, Francis Bailey, Temple Bailey, Arthur ScottBailey, Carolyn SherwinBalch, Frederic HomerBaldwin, James Ballantyne, R. M.Balzac, Honore deBangs, John KendrickBaring, Evelyn Baring, Maurice Barrie, James Matthew - Sir James Matthew Barrie,Scottish novelist, playwright, dramatistBastiat, Frederic Baum, L. FrankBazin, Rene Beach, Rex Becke, Louis Beerbohm, Max Bellamy, Edward Belloc, Hilaire Bennett, Arnold Benson, Arthur C.Besant, Walter Betham, Matilda Bierce, Ambrose Birmingham, George A.Bjornson, Bjornstjerne - 1903 Nobel Prize winnerBlack, William Blackmore, R. D.Blackwood, Algernon Blake, William Bloomfield, Robert Borrow, George Bourget, Paul Bower, B. M.Bowles, William LisleBraddon, Mary ElizabethBradstreet, Anne Brady, Cyrus TownsendBramah, Ernest Brann, William CowperBrightwen, Elizabeth Brisbane, Arthur Bronte, Anne - British author,pen name: Acton BellBronte, Charlotte - British author, pen name: Currer BellBronte, Emily - British author, pen name: Ellis BellBrooke, Rupert Brooks, Charles S.Brown, John Brown, Charles BrockdenBrown, Alice Browning, Elizabeth BarrettBrowning, Robert Bryant, William CullenBuck, Charles Neville - American novelist, famous native KentuckianBudgell, Eustace Bulfinch, Thomas Bulwer-Lytton, Edward Burgess, Thornton WaldoBurnett, Frances HodgsonBurns, Robert Burroughs, John Burroughs, Edgar RiceButler, Ellis ParkerButler, Samuel Byron, Lord Cabell, James BranchCable, George WashingtonCaine, Hall Calverley, Charles StuartCarey, Rosa NouchetteCarlton, Henry FiskCarlyle, Thomas Carman, Bliss Carroll, Lewis - Lewis Carroll is the pseudonym of Charles Lutwidge DodgsonCarryl, Guy WetmoreCather, Willa - US novelist, short-story writerCawein, Madison JuliusChambers, Robert W.Chambers, William and Robert Chant, Joseph HoratioChaucer, Geoffrey Chekhov, Anton - Russian short-story writer, playwrightCherbuliez, Victor Chesnutt, Charles W.Chesterton, G. K. - British author, prolific writerChopin, Kate Christie, Agatha - Prolific British mystery writer, novelistChurch, Alfred JohnChurchill, Winston - American novelistClare, John Cobb, Irvin S.Coleridge, Samuel TaylorCollins, Wilkie Connolly, James B.Connor, Ralph Conrad, Joseph Coolidge, Susan Cooper, James FenimoreCooper, Susan FenimoreCoppee, Francois Cory, Charles B.Craik, Dinah M. MulockCrane, Stephen Crawford, F. MarionCrockett, S. R.Cullum, Ridgwell Curtis, George WilliamCurwood, James OliverD., H. - (Hilda Doolittle)Daudet, Alphonse Davis, Richard HardingDawson, Alec JohnDe la Mare, Walter De Quincey, Thomas Defoe, Daniel Dell, Ethel MayDell, Floyd Dennis, Clarence JamesDescartes, Rene Dick, Philip K.Dickens, Charles - A great British writer, novelistDickinson, Emily Dingle, Aylward EdwardDisraeli, Isaac Diver, Maud Dostoyevsky, Fyodor Doyle, Arthur Conan - Famous British AuthorDoyle, Edward Drayton, Michael Dreiser, Theodore Dryden, John Dulac, Edmund Dumas, Alexandre Dunbar, Paul LaurenceDunbar-Nelson, Alice MooreDunsany, Lord Eaton, Walter PrichardEdgeworth, Maria Eggleston, Edward Eliot, T SEliot, George Ellis, Havelock Ellis, Edward SylvesterEmerson, P. H.Emerson, Ralph Waldo - US poet, essayistErckmann-Chatrian, Ewing, Juliana HoratiaFairless, Michael Falkner, John MeadeFarnol, Jeffery Fenn, George ManvilleFerber, Edna Field, Anne P. L.Field, Eugene Fielding, Henry Finck, Henry TheophilusFiske, John Fitzgerald, F ScottFlaubert, Gustave Follen, Eliza Lee CabotFord, Ford MadoxForster, E MFox, John France, Anatole Freeman, Mary E WilkinsFreeman, John Freneau, Philip Frost, Robert - Great American poet in the 20th CenturyFuller, Henry BlakeGalsworthy, John Garland, Hamlin Garnett, Thomas Garrett, Randall Gaskell, Elizabeth CleghornGautier, Theophile Gay, John - A poet and satiristGent, Thomas Gibbon, Perceval Gilbert, W. S.Gilman, Charlotte PerkinsGissing, George Glasgow, Ellen Glaspell, Susan Glyn, Elinor Goddard, Charles Godwin, Tom Goethe, Johann Wolfgang vonGogol, Nikolai VasilieviGorky, Maxim Grahame, Kenneth Grant, Robert Graves, Robert - British poet, novelistGreen, Anna KatharineGregory, Eliot Grey, Zane Griffis, William ElliotGrimm, Jacob & WilhelmGrinnell, George BirdHaggard, H. Rider - Sir Henry Rider Haggard, British adventure author, novelistHale, Edward EverettHale, Lucretia P.Halleck, Fitz-Greene Halpin, Hancock, H. IrvingHardy, Thomas Harper, Frances E. W.Harraden, Beatrice Harris, Joel ChandlerHarte, Bret Havens, Munson AldrichHavergal, Frances RidleyHawthorne, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Julian Hazlitt, William Hearn, Lafcadio Henry, O - pseudonym of William Sydney Porter, famous American short-story writerHenty, George AlfredHerford, Oliver Herrick, (Poet) Robert Herrick, Robert Hewlett, Maurice Hichens, Robert Higginson, Thomas WentworthHogg, James Holley, Marietta Holmes, Oliver WendellHomer, Hood, Thomas Hope, Laurence Hope, Anthony Hope, Laura LeeHopkins, William JohnHopkins, Gerard ManleyHopkinson, Francis Hough, Emerson Housman, A. E.Housman, Laurence Howells, William DeanHubbard, Elbert Hugo, Victor - Important French romantic author, poet, novelist, dramatistHunt, Leigh Huxley, Aldous Huxley, Thomas HenryIbsen, Henrik - Norwegian playwright, dramatist, poetIngelow, Jean Irving, Washington Isham, Frederic StewartIves, Charles Jackson, Helen HuntJacobs, Harriet AnnJacobs, Joseph Jacobs, William Wymark - Famous English author, sea-story writerJames, Montague RhodesJames, William James, Henry Janvier, Thomas A.Jefferies, Richard Jerome, Jerome KJewett, Sarah OrneJohnson, E. Pauline Johnson, Samuel Johnston, Annie F.Jokai, Maurus Joly, John Jonson, Ben Jordan, William GeorgeJoyce, James Keats, John Keble, John Kelley, Francis ClementKelly, Florence FinchKendall, Henry Kilmer, Joyce King, Richard King, Charles Kingsley, Florence MorseKingsley, Charles Kingston, William H. G.Kipling, Rudyard - 1907 Nobel Prize Winner, British short-story writer, novelist, poetKippis, Andrew La Fontaine, Jean de Lagerlof, Selma Lamb, Charles Lampman, Archibald Landa, Gertrude Lang, Jeanie Lang, Andrew Lanier, Sidney Lathrop, George ParsonsLawrence, D. H. - David Herbert Lawrence, English authorLawson, Henry Lazarus, Emma Le Fanu, Joseph SheridanLe Gallienne, Richard Lear, Edward Lee, Vernon Leinster, Murray Leland, Charles G.Leonardo da Vinci, Leprohon, Rosanna EleanorLeroux, Gaston Lever, Charles Lewis, Sinclair - American novelist, satirist, playwright, 1930 Nobel Laureate in LiteratureLillibridge, Will Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Joseph CrosbyLinderman, Frank BirdLindsay, Vachel Lindsay, Maud London, Jack - Prolific American author, novelist, short story writerLongfellow, Henry WadsworthLowell, Amy Lowell, James RussellLynd, Robert Mabie, Hamilton WrightMacaulay, Thomas BabingtonMacDonald, George MacGrath, Harold Machiavelli, Niccolo Mackay, Charles Maeterlinck, Maurice Mansfield, Katherine Marlowe, Christopher Mason, A. E. W.Masters, Edgar LeeMathers, Edward PowysMathews, Cornelius Matthews, Brander Maugham, W. Somerset - English novelist, short-story writer, playwrightMaupassant, Guy De - French novelist, short-story writerMcCutcheon, George BarrMeade, L. T.Melville, Herman Meredith, George Merimee, Prosper Merriman, Henry SetonMeynell, Alice Millay, Edna St VincentMiller, Alice DuerMilne, A. A.Milton, John Mitchell, S. WeirMitford, Mary RussellMoliere, Montaigne, Montgomery, Lucy MaudMoody, William VaughnMoore, George AugustusMoore, Thomas More, Hannah Morley, Christopher Morris, William Morris, Gouverneur Morris, George PopeMorris, Harrison S.Morris, Charles Morrison, Arthur Mulford, Clarence E.Murfree, Mary NoaillesMurray, W.H.H. Murray, Robert F.Musgrove, Charles HamiltonMusset, Alfred deNesbit, Edith Nevinson, Henry W.Newbolt, Henry Norris, Frank Norris, Kathleen ThompsonNoyes, Alfred Nye, (Edgar W. Nye) Bill O'Brien, Fitzjames Ogden, George W.Oppenheim, E. PhillipsOuida, Ozaki, Yei TheodoraPage, Thomas NelsonPain, Barry Paine, Thomas Parker, Gilbert Pater, Walter Paterson, Banjo Peabody, Josephine PrestonPeattie, Elia W.Peck, George W.Phillips, Henry WallacePhillips, David GrahamPiper, H. BeamPlato, Plutarch, Poe, Edgar Allan - Famous major American poet, short-story writer, novelistPolidori, John Poole, Ernest Pope, Alexander - Well known Bristish poet, writer, greatest poet of The 19 CenturyPorter, Eleanor HodgmanPost, Melville DavissonPotter, Beatrix Potts, Eugenia DunlapPowers, Mabel Procter, Adelaide AnnePushkin, Alexander SergeevichPyle, Howard Quiller-Couch, Arthur ThomasRadcliffe, Ann Raine, William MacLeodRalphson, G. HarveyRand, Ayn Ransome, Arthur Reade, Charles Reed, Talbot BainesReeve, Arthur B.Repplier, Agnes Reynolds, Mack Rice, Alice HeganRichards, Laura E.Richmond, Grace SmithRiley, James WhitcombRinehart, Mary RobertsRoberts, Morley Roberts, Charles G. D.Robertson, Morgan Robinson, Edwin ArlingtonRobinson, A. Mary F.Roe, Edward PaysonRossetti, Christina GeorginaRousseau, Jean JacquesRunciman, James Ruskin, John Russell, Bertrand - A great philosopher, 1950 Nobel Laureate in LiteratureSabatini, Rafael Saki, - Pen name of Hector Hugh Munro, British author, short-story writerSassoon, Siegfried Schiller, Frederich Schopenhauer, Arthur Scott, Sir Walter Scully, William CharlesSeba, Smith Seeger, Alan Service, Robert W.Sewell, Anna Shakespeare, William - English poet, playwright, great writerSharp, Dallas LoreShaw, George Bernard - 1925 Nobel Prize winner, Irish playwrightSheckley, Robert Shelley, Mary Shelley, Percy ByssheSidgwick, Frank Sienkiewicz, Henryk - Epic writer, 1905 Nobel Laureate in LiteratureSinclair, Upton Smith, Nora A.Smith, Francis HopkinsonSmith, Alexander Smith, Goldwin Sophocles, Southey, Robert Spencer, Herbert Spenser, Edmund Spyri, Johanna Standish, Burt L. - Burt L. Standish is pseudonym of Gilbert PattenSteele, Richard Stephens, James Stevenson, Robert Louis - Scottish novelist, poet, and essayistStocking, Jay T.Stockton, Frank RStowe, Harriet BeecherStratton-Porter, Gene Strindberg, August Stuart, Ruth McEnerySumner, William GrahamSwift, Jonathan - Irish writer, satirist, Dean Swift (Dean of St. Patrick's Cathedral from 1713 to 1745)Swinburne, Algernon CharlesSymonds, John AddingtonSynge, J. M.Tagore, Rabindranath - Indian poet, philosopher, 1913 Nobel Prize Winner in Literature from IndiaTarkington, Booth - American author, novelist, dramatistTaylor, Bayard Teasdale, Sara Tennyson, Alfred Lord - English Poet Laureate, great poetThackeray, William MakepeaceThompson, Maurice Thoreau, Henry DavidTitcomb, Timothy Tolstoy, Leo Train, Arthur Trollope, Anthony Turgenev, Ivan Twain, Mark - Famous American author, humorist, novelist, lecturerTzu (Sunzi), Sun Van Dyke, Henry Vatsyayana, Vaughan, Henry Verne, Jules - French novelist, a pioneer in Science FictionVirgil, - A Latin poetVoltaire, - French author, philosopher, satiristWallace, Lew Wallace, Edgar Ward, Artemus - (Pen name of Charles Farrar Browne, an American humoristWarner, Charles DudleyWatson, William Watts, Isaac Wells, Carolyn Wells, H. G. - Herbert George Wells, English WriterWeyman, Stanley JohnWharton, Edith - American novelist, short-story writerWheatley, Phillis White, Stewart EdwardWhite, Henry KirkWhitman, Walt Whittier, John GreenleafWiggin, Kate Douglas - (Also known as Kate Douglas Riggs)Wilcox, Ella WheelerWilde, Oscar - Irish author,poetWister, Owen Wither, George Wodehouse, P G - British-American humorist, novelistWoodward, Patrick HenryWoolf, Virginia - English author, feminist essayistWordsworth, William Wren, Jenny Wright, Harold BellWright, Sewell PeasleeWylie, Elinor Yeats, William ButlerYule, Mrs. J. C.Zangwill, Israel Zola, Emile - French novelistGO TO TOP OF SCREEN