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Poems by Harry Graham


Graham, Harry

o "A Bad Workman Complains Of His Tools" from "Perverted Proverbs, A Manual of Immorals for the Many"

o "A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss" from "Perverted Proverbs, A Manual of Immorals for the Many"

o "After Dinner Sit A While; After Supper Walk A Mile" from "Perverted Proverbs, A Manual of Immorals for the Many"

o "Bart's" Club from "Familiar Faces"

o "Bluebeard" from "Ruthless Rhymes for Heartless Homes"

o "Don't Buy A Pig In A Poke" from "Perverted Proverbs, A Manual of Immorals for the Many"

o "Enough Is As Good As A Feast" from "Perverted Proverbs, A Manual of Immorals for the Many"

o "It Is Never Too Late To Mend" from "Perverted Proverbs, A Manual of Immorals for the Many"

o "Learn To Take Things Easily" from "Perverted Proverbs, A Manual of Immorals for the Many"

o "Virtue Is Its Own Reward" from "Perverted Proverbs, A Manual of Immorals for the Many"

o 'Controversial Methods' from "Fiscal Ballads"

o 'Statistics' from "Fiscal Ballads"

o Actor Manager, The from "Familiar Faces"

o Adam from "Misrepresentative Men"

o Aftword [from "Perverted Proverbs"] from "Perverted Proverbs, A Manual of Immorals for the Many"

o Aftword [The Feast Is Ended] from "Misrepresentative Men"

o Ananias from "Misrepresentative Men"

o Appreciation from "Ruthless Rhymes for Heartless Homes"

o Aunt Eliza from "Ruthless Rhymes for Heartless Homes"

o Author's Preface from "Ruthless Rhymes for Heartless Homes"

o Baby from "Ruthless Rhymes for Heartless Homes"

o Bacon from "Misrepresentative Men"

o Baritone, The from "Familiar Faces"

o British Trade from "Fiscal Ballads"

o Cat (Advice To The Young), The from "Ruthless Rhymes for Heartless Homes"

o Children's "Don't", The from "Ruthless Rhymes for Heartless Homes"

o Colonel, The from "Familiar Faces"

o Colonies, The from "Fiscal Ballads"

o Controversial Entertainment from "Fiscal Ballads"

o Conversational Reformer, The from "Familiar Faces"

o Course Interrompue, La from "Ruthless Rhymes for Heartless Homes"

o Cry Of The Author, The from "Familiar Faces"

o Cry Of The Publisher, The from "Familiar Faces"

o Dedicated To Helen Whitney from "Perverted Proverbs, A Manual of Immorals for the Many"

o Dedicated To P. P. from "Ruthless Rhymes for Heartless Homes"

o Dentist, The from "Familiar Faces"

o Diogenes from "Misrepresentative Men"

o Envoi (from "Fiscal Ballads") from "Fiscal Ballads"

o Envoi (from "Perverted Proverbs") from "Perverted Proverbs, A Manual of Immorals for the Many"

o Envoi (from "Ruthless Rhymes") from "Ruthless Rhymes for Heartless Homes"

o Faddist, The from "Familiar Faces"

o Fond Father, The from "Ruthless Rhymes for Heartless Homes"

o Foreword from "Misrepresentative Men"

o Foreword (from "Fiscal Ballads") from "Fiscal Ballads"

o Foreword (from "Perverted Proverbs") from "Perverted Proverbs, A Manual of Immorals for the Many"

o Fumbler, The from "Familiar Faces"

o Gilded Youth, The from "Familiar Faces"

o Gourmand, The from "Familiar Faces"

o Impetuous Samuel from "Ruthless Rhymes for Heartless Homes"

o Inconsiderate Hannah from "Ruthless Rhymes for Heartless Homes"

o Jim; or, The Deferred Luncheon Party from "Ruthless Rhymes for Heartless Homes"

o Joan Of Arc from "Misrepresentative Men"

o John from "Ruthless Rhymes for Heartless Homes"

o King Leopold from "Familiar Faces"

o L'envoi (from "Familiar Faces") from "Familiar Faces"

o Man Who Knows, The from "Familiar Faces"

o Marat from "Misrepresentative Men"

o Message From Broadmoor, A from "Fiscal Ballads"

o Misfortunes Never Come Singly from "Ruthless Rhymes for Heartless Homes"

o Music-Hall Comedian, The from "Familiar Faces"

o Necessity from "Ruthless Rhymes for Heartless Homes"

o Nero from "Misrepresentative Men"

o Nurse's Mistake from "Ruthless Rhymes for Heartless Homes"

o Paderewski from "Misrepresentative Men"

o Perils Of Obesity, The from "Ruthless Rhymes for Heartless Homes"

o Policeman, The from "Familiar Faces"

o Postlude from "Misrepresentative Men"

o Potpourri from "Perverted Proverbs, A Manual of Immorals for the Many"

o Preferential Treatment from "Fiscal Ballads"

o Protection from "Fiscal Ballads"

o Retaliation from "Fiscal Ballads"

o Reviewer, The from "Familiar Faces"

o Scorching John from "Ruthless Rhymes for Heartless Homes"

o Self-Sacrifice from "Ruthless Rhymes for Heartless Homes"

o Sir Thomas Lipton from "Misrepresentative Men"

o Stern Parent, The from "Ruthless Rhymes for Heartless Homes"

o Tender-Heartedness from "Ruthless Rhymes for Heartless Homes"

o Theodore Roosevelt from "Misrepresentative Men"

o These Verses Are Gratefully Dedicated from "Misrepresentative Men"

o Turning Tide, The from "Fiscal Ballads"

o Uncle Joe from "Ruthless Rhymes for Heartless Homes"

o Unselfishness from "Ruthless Rhymes for Heartless Homes"

o Waiter, The from "Familiar Faces"

o William Tell from "Misrepresentative Men"