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Poems by Eugene Field


Field, Eugene

o "Ars Poetica" Of Horace--I, The from "Hoosier Lyrics"

o "Ars Poetica" Of Horace--XVIII, The from "Hoosier Lyrics"

o "Booh!" from "Love-Songs of Childhood"

o "Fiddle-Dee-Dee"

o "Good-By--God Bless You!"

o "Guess" from "Songs and Other Verse"

o "Happy Isles" Of Horace, The

o "Lollyby, Lolly, Lollyby"

o "St. Jo Gazette", The

o "The Happy Isles" Of Horace

o "The Old Homestead" from "Songs and Other Verse"

o "Trot, My Good Steed, Trot!"

o Abu Midjan from "Songs and Other Verse"

o After Reading Trollope's History Of Florence from "Songs and Other Verse"

o Ailsie, My Bairn

o Alaskan Balladry

o Alaskan Balladry, No. 1

o Alaskan Balladry--III from "Hoosier Lyrics"

o Always Right

o Apple-Pie And Cheese

o April from "Hoosier Lyrics"

o April Vespers

o Armenian Folk-Song--The Partridge

o Armenian Folk-Song--The Stork

o Armenian Lullaby

o Ashes On The Slide

o At Cheyenne

o At Play from "Love-Songs of Childhood"

o At The Door

o Autumn Treasure-Trove, An

o Ballad Of Ancient Oaths, A from "Hoosier Lyrics"

o Ballad Of The Taylor Pup, The from "Songs and Other Verse"

o Ballad Of Women I Love from "Songs and Other Verse"

o Barbara

o Baseball Score, The from "Hoosier Lyrics"

o Be My Sweetheart from "Songs and Other Verse"

o Beard And Baby from "Love-Songs of Childhood"

o Beginning And The End, The from "Hoosier Lyrics"

o Bells Of Notre Dame, The

o Ben Apfelgarten from "Songs and Other Verse"

o Bench-Legged Fyce, The from "Love-Songs of Childhood"

o Beranger's "Broken Fiddle"

o Beranger's "Ma Vocation"

o Beranger's "My Last Song Perhaps"

o Beranger's "To My Old Coat" from "Songs and Other Verse"

o Bethlehem-Town

o Bibliomaniac's Bride, The

o Bibliomaniac's Prayer, The

o Biggest Fish, The from "Hoosier Lyrics"

o Bill's Tenor And My Bass

o Bion's Song Of Eros From "Mackinac And Lake Stories"

o Blue And The Gray, The

o Boltons, 22, The

o Bonnie Jim Campbell: A Legislative Memory from "Hoosier Lyrics"

o Bottle And The Bird, The

o Bottle Tree, The from "Love-Songs of Childhood"

o Bow-Leg Boy, The from "Songs and Other Verse"

o Broken Ring, The from "Songs and Other Verse"

o Brook, The from "Love-Songs of Childhood"

o Buttercup, Poppy, Forget-Me-Not

o Cafe Molineau, The

o Carlsbad

o Casey's Table D'hote

o Catullus To Lesbia

o Chaucerian Paraphrase Of Horace, A

o Chicago In August

o Chicago In July

o Chicago Newspaper Life from "Hoosier Lyrics"

o Child And Mother

o Christmas Eve

o Christmas Hymn from "Songs and Other Verse"

o Christmas Morning

o Christmas Treasures

o Chrystmasse Of Olde

o Clare Market from "Songs and Other Verse"

o Clendenin's Lament from "Hoosier Lyrics"

o Clink Of The Ice, The

o Color That Suits Me Best, The from "Hoosier Lyrics"

o Consistency

o Contentment from "Songs and Other Verse"

o Convalescent Gripster, The from "Songs and Other Verse"

o Conversazzhyony, The

o Corinthian Hall

o Cornish Lullaby

o Corsican Lullaby

o Crumpets And Tea

o Cunnin' Little Thing, The

o De Amicitiis

o Dead Babe, The from "Love-Songs of Childhood"

o Dead Roses

o Dear Old London, The

o Death Of Robin Hood, The

o Delectable Ballad Of The Waller Lot, The from "Love-Songs of Childhood"

o Democratic Hymn, A

o Der Mann Im Keller from "Songs and Other Verse"

o Dibdin's Ghost, The

o Dinkey Bird, The from "Love-Songs of Childhood"

o Discreet Collector, The from "Songs and Other Verse"

o Divine Lullaby, The

o Doctors

o Doings Of Delsarte, The

o Doll's Wooing, The

o Dr. Sam from "Songs and Other Verse"

o Dream Of Sunshine, A from "Songs and Other Verse"

o Dream-Ship, The from "Songs and Other Verse"

o Dreams, The from "Songs and Other Verse"

o Drinking Song, A from "Songs and Other Verse"

o Drum, The from "Love-Songs of Childhood"

o Duel, The from "Love-Songs of Childhood"

o Dutch Lullaby

o Dying Year, The

o Eclogue From Virgil, An

o Ed from "Songs and Other Verse"

o Egyptian Folk-Song

o Epilogue [Echoes From The Sabine Farm]

o Ezra J. M'manus To A Soubrette, The

o Fame vs. Riches

o Father's Way

o Fickle Woman, A

o Fiducit

o Fifth Of July, The from "Hoosier Lyrics"

o Fisherman Jim's Kids

o Fisherman's Feast, The

o Fly-Away Horse, The from "Love-Songs of Childhood"

o Francois Villon

o Ganderfeather's Gift

o Garden And Cradle from "Love-Songs of Childhood"

o Gettin' On

o Good-Children Street from "Love-Songs of Childhood"

o Googly-Goo from "Love-Songs of Childhood"

o Gosling Stew

o Grandma's Bombazine

o Grateful Patient, The from "Hoosier Lyrics"

o Great Journalist In Spain, The from "Songs and Other Verse"

o Happy Household, The from "Love-Songs of Childhood"

o Happy Isles, The

o Hawthorne Children, The

o Heine Love Song, A from "Songs and Other Verse"

o Heine's "Widow Or Daughter?"

o Hi-Spy

o His Queen from "Hoosier Lyrics"

o Holly And Ivy

o Hoosier Lyrics Paraphrased from "Hoosier Lyrics"

o Horace (Epode XIV) from "Hoosier Lyrics"

o Horace And Lydia Reconciled

o Horace I, 11 from "Hoosier Lyrics"

o Horace I, 13 from "Hoosier Lyrics"

o Horace I, 18 from "Hoosier Lyrics"

o Horace I, 20 from "Hoosier Lyrics"

o Horace I, 23 from "Hoosier Lyrics"

o Horace I, 27 from "Hoosier Lyrics"

o Horace I, 33 from "Hoosier Lyrics"

o Horace I, 34 from "Hoosier Lyrics"

o Horace I, 5 from "Hoosier Lyrics"

o Horace II, 20 from "Hoosier Lyrics"

o Horace II, 7 from "Hoosier Lyrics"

o Horace In Love Again (epode XI) from "Hoosier Lyrics"

o Horace IV, 1 from "Hoosier Lyrics"

o Horace On His Muscle (Epode VI) from "Hoosier Lyrics"

o Horace To His Lute, The

o Horace To His Patron from "Hoosier Lyrics"

o Horace To Ligurine from "Hoosier Lyrics"

o Horace To Maecenas

o Horace To Maecenas (odes III, 29) from "Hoosier Lyrics"

o Horace To Melpomene

o Horace To Phyllis

o Horace To Pyrrha

o Horace's "Sailor And Shade"

o Horace's Ode To "Lydia" Roche from "Hoosier Lyrics"

o Horace's Spring Poem from "Hoosier Lyrics"

o Horatian Lyrics

o How Salty Win Out from "Songs and Other Verse"

o How To "Fill" from "Hoosier Lyrics"

o Hugo's "Flower To Butterfly"

o Hugo's "Pool In The Forest" from "Songs and Other Verse"

o Humming Top, The from "Love-Songs of Childhood"

o Hymn (from The German Of Martin Luther) from "Songs and Other Verse"

o Imitation Of Dr. Watts, An

o In Amsterdam

o In Flanders

o In Holland from "Hoosier Lyrics"

o In New Orleans from "Songs and Other Verse"

o In Praise Of Contentment from "Songs and Other Verse"

o In The Firelight

o In The Springtime

o Inscription For My Little Son's Silver Plate

o Intry-Mintry

o Invitation To Maecenas, An

o Ipswich, The

o It Is The Printer's Fault

o Jaffa And Jerusalem Railway, The from "Songs and Other Verse"

o Japanese Lullaby

o Jennie from "Songs and Other Verse"

o Jessie from "Songs and Other Verse"

o Jest 'fore Christmas from "Love-Songs of Childhood"

o Jewish Lullaby

o John Smith

o Kansas City vs. Detroit from "Hoosier Lyrics"

o Kissing Time from "Love-Songs of Childhood"

o Koerner's Battle Prayer

o Krinken

o Lady Button-Eyes from "Love-Songs of Childhood"

o Let Us Have Peace

o Limitations Of Youth, The from "Songs and Other Verse"

o Little All-Aloney from "Love-Songs of Childhood"

o Little Boy Blue

o Little Croodlin Doo

o Little Homer's Slate

o Little Mack

o Little Miss Brag from "Love-Songs of Childhood"

o Little Peach, The

o Little-Oh Dear from "Love-Songs of Childhood"

o Lizzie From "Mackinac And Lake Stories"

o Long Ago

o Long Meter

o Lost Cupid Of Moschus, The

o Love Song--Heine from "Songs and Other Verse"

o Lover's Lane, Saint Jo

o Lullaby, A from "Songs and Other Verse"

o Lullaby; By The Sea

o Lydia Dick

o Lyman, Frederick, And Jim from "Songs and Other Verse"

o Lyric Muse, The

o Lyttel Boy, The

o Madge: Ye Hoyden

o Man Who Worked With Dana On The "Sun", The

o Marthy's Younkit

o Mary Smith from "Songs and Other Verse"

o Me And Bilkammle from "Hoosier Lyrics"

o Mediaeval Eventide Song

o Mighty West, The from "Hoosier Lyrics"

o Minnie Lee from "Hoosier Lyrics"

o Mistress Merciless from "The Holy Cross and Other Tales"

o Modjesky As Cameel

o Monstrous Pleasant Ballad Of The Taylor Pup, The

o Morning Hymn from "Hoosier Lyrics"

o Mortality, The

o Mother And Child

o Mother And Sphinx (Egyptian Folk-Song) from "Songs and Other Verse"

o Mr. Billings Of Louisville From "Mackinac And Lake Stories"

o Mr. Dana, Of The New York Sun

o My Playmates from "Songs and Other Verse"

o Mysterious Doings from "Songs and Other Verse"

o Naughty Doll, The

o New Baby, The

o New-Year's Eve from "Songs and Other Verse"

o Night Wind, The from "Love-Songs of Childhood"

o Nightfall In Dordrecht, The

o Norse Lullaby

o Ode To Fortune, An

o Old Dutch Love Song

o Old English Lullaby

o Old Song Revised, An from "Hoosier Lyrics"

o Old Spanish Song from "Songs and Other Verse"

o Old Times, Old Friends, Old Love

o On The Wedding Of G. C. from "Hoosier Lyrics"

o Onion Tart, The

o Orkney Lullaby

o Our Baby from "Hoosier Lyrics"

o Our Biggest Fish

o Our Lady Of The Mine

o Our Two Opinions

o Our Whippings From "Mackinac And Lake Stories"

o Over The Hills And Far Away

o Pan Liveth from "Songs and Other Verse"

o Paraphrase By Chaucer, A from "Hoosier Lyrics"

o Paraphrase Of Heine, A from "Songs and Other Verse"

o Paraphrase [How Happens It, My Cruel Miss], A from "Hoosier Lyrics"

o Paraphrase [Our Father who art in heaven...], A from "Songs and Other Verse"

o Paraphrase, Circa 1715, A from "Hoosier Lyrics"

o Paraphrase, Ostensibly By Dr. I. W., A from "Hoosier Lyrics"

o Partridge, The

o Peace Of Christmas-Time, The

o Penn-Yan Bill from "Hoosier Lyrics"

o Perpetual Wooing, The

o Peter-Bird, The from "Songs and Other Verse"

o Picnic-Time from "Love-Songs of Childhood"

o Piteous Plaint, A from "Songs and Other Verse"

o Pittypat And Tippytoe, An

o Plaint Of The Missouri 'Coon In The Berlin Zoological Gardens

o Pneumogastric Nerve, The

o Poet And King From "Mackinac And Lake Stories"

o Poet's Metamorphosis, The

o Politics In 1888 from "Hoosier Lyrics"

o Preference Declared, The

o Prof. Vere De Blaw

o Proper Trewe Idyll Of Camelot, A

o Providence And The Dog

o Quitting Again

o Rare Roast Beef

o Reconciliation, The

o Red

o Red, Red West, The

o Reid, The Candidate from "Hoosier Lyrics"

o Report Of The Baseball Game from "Hoosier Lyrics"

o Rhine-Land Drinking Song, A from "Songs and Other Verse"

o Ride To Bumpville, The from "Love-Songs of Childhood"

o Rock-A-By Lady, The from "Love-Songs of Childhood"

o Roman Winter-Piece, A

o Romance Of A Watch, The from "Hoosier Lyrics"

o Rose, The from "Hoosier Lyrics"

o Sailor And Shade

o Schnellest Zug, The

o Seein' Things from "Love-Songs of Childhood"

o Shuffle-Shoon And Amber-Locks from "Love-Songs of Childhood"

o Shut-Eye Train, The from "Love-Songs of Childhood"

o Sicilian Lullaby

o Singing In God's Acre, The from "Songs and Other Verse"

o Sister's Cake from "Songs and Other Verse"

o Sleeping Child, The from "Songs and Other Verse"

o So, So, Rock-A-By So! from "Love-Songs of Childhood"

o Soldier, Maiden, And Flower

o Some Time

o Song Of Luddy-Dud, The from "Love-Songs of Childhood"

o Spring Poem From Bion, A from "Songs and Other Verse"

o St. Martin's Lane

o Star Of The East from "Songs and Other Verse"--poem on Christmas

o Stoddards, The from "Songs and Other Verse"

o Stork, The from "Love-Songs of Childhood"

o Stoves And Sunshine from "Songs and Other Verse"

o Straw Parlor, The from "Songs and Other Verse"

o Sugar-Plum Tree, The

o Summer Heat

o Suppose from "Songs and Other Verse"

o Swing High And Swing Low from "Love-Songs of Childhood"

o Tardy Apology, A

o Tea-Gown, The

o Teeny-Weeny

o Telka

o Telling The Bees

o Thirty-Nine

o Three Kings Of Cologne, The

o Three Rhineland Drinking Songs from "Hoosier Lyrics"

o Three Tailors, The from "Songs and Other Verse"

o Tin Bank, The

o To A Bully

o To A Jar Of Wine

o To A Soubrette

o To A Usurper

o To Albius Tibullus

o To Aristius Fuscus

o To Chloe

o To Cinna from "Songs and Other Verse"

o To De Witt Miller

o To Dr. F. W. R. from "Hoosier Lyrics"

o To Emma Abbott from "Songs and Other Verse"

o To His Lute

o To John J. Knickerbocker, Jr

o To Leuconoee

o To Ligurinus

o To Lydia [tell Me, Lydia, Tell Me Why]

o To Lydia [When, Lydia, you (once fond and true]

o To Maecenas

o To Melpomene

o To Mistress Pyrrha

o To Mother Venus

o To My Mother

o To Phyllis

o To Pompeius Varus

o To Quintius Hirpinus

o To Quintus Dellius

o To Robin Goodfellow

o To The Detroit Baseball Club from "Hoosier Lyrics"

o To The Fountain Of Bandusia

o To The Passing Saint

o To Venus

o Truth About Horace, The

o Twenty-Third Psalm, The

o Twin Idols from "Songs and Other Verse"

o Two Coffins, The from "Songs and Other Verse"

o Two Idylls From Bion The Smyrnean from "Songs and Other Verse"

o Two Little Skeezucks, The from "Songs and Other Verse"

o Two Valentines from "Songs and Other Verse"

o Uhland's "Chapel" from "Songs and Other Verse"

o Uhland's "Three Cavaliers"

o Uhland's White Stag from "Songs and Other Verse"

o Uncle Ephraim from "Hoosier Lyrics"

o Valentine [Four Little Sisters Standing In A Row], A from "Hoosier Lyrics"

o Valentine [Go, Cupid, and my sweetheart tell], A from "Love-Songs of Childhood"

o Valentine [Your gran'ma, in her youth, was quite], A from "Songs and Other Verse"

o Vision Of The Holy Grail, The

o Wail, A from "Hoosier Lyrics"

o Wanderer, The

o When I Was A Boy from "Love-Songs of Childhood"

o When The Poet Came

o Wind, The

o Wine, Women, And Song

o Winfreda from "Songs and Other Verse"

o With Brutus In St. Jo from "Songs and Other Verse"

o With Two Spoons For Two Spoons from "Songs and Other Verse"

o Wooing Of The Southland (Alaskan Ballad), The from "Songs and Other Verse"

o Yvytot